SEED is empowering the affordable non-state sector to deliver quality education that enables all children thrive & succeed.

Evidence confirms that affordable non-state sector (low-fee private schools, faith-based schools, community-based learning centres & other alternative models) in Nigeria play an indispensable role in expanding access to education and improving learning outcomes, particularly in underserved communities. These institutions are complementing state provision to meet Nigeria's national education goals.

In Lagos State, where we pilot our work, non-state schools outnumber state provision 22:1. About 70% of the non-state schools are affordable non-state schools providing education for underserved children.

Registered in 2022 as a locally-led, non-profit in Nigeria, SEED Care & Support Foundation started in Lagos State as a project in 2016.

SEED works to ensure the education ecosystem works for ALL children, by redefining the role of the affordable non-state sector in Nigeria. We see a Nigeria where the right to relevant quality education is fulfilled with NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.

Will you walk this journey with us?


SEED works with critical partners, role-players and stakeholders in the education ecosystem to transform the lives of children in Nigeria under these core pillars. We do this at three levels: [SYSTEMS LEVEL] strengthen Nigeria’s state and national education systems; [COMMUNITY LEVEL] unlock the power of communities to create deep and lasting change for children; and [SCHOOL LEVEL] support affordable non-state schools to enhance the quality of education they offer. 




We amplify the role of the sector highlighting the need for a seat at the policy table and for a conducive operating environment. We go further to strengthen state and national education systems, working with others to shape policy for system wide change.


We design, pilot, monitor and adapt innovations, models, concepts and frameworks to local contexts for learning and scale. We then use evidence generated to mobilize and persuade strategic actors to pay attention to the affordable non-state sector.


We strengthen and grow the affordable non-state sector to enhance the quality of education they offer. We achieve this through our collaborative community, school transformation program, finance, communities of practice and curated learning experiences.

By 2035, SEED aims to impact 20,000 affordable non-state schools/centres towards transforming the lives of 1 million children across Nigeria.

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    National Non-State Education
    Policy Supported

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    Affordable Non-State School
    Associations Supported

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    Affordable Non-State
    Schools Supported


Learn more about our specific interventions

From supporting affordable non-state schools to improve quality to evidence-based advocacy for state and national education policies, SEED is consistently championing the sector. The ultimate impact is more affordable non-state schools delivering quality education for underserved children in Nigeria.

Our testimonials

What education ecosystem actors
are saying about our work.

Our partners & supporters

In the spirit of “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND”.

Many of Nigeria’s underserved children are growing up without quality education while we are waiting for government to provide free quality education. Join us to accelerate progress towards achieving SDG4 by REGULATING, RECOGNISING, INCLUDING, SUPPORTING and ENGAGING the affordable non-state sector as they play a complementary role in supporting Nigeria’s national education system.