SDG 4C: Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries
Pre-Service Teachers
The transformative power of education requires transformative teachers to be fully realised. According to UNESCO (2023), 44 million additional teachers need to be recruited globally to meet universal primary and secondary education in 2030 of which 1 in 3, or 15 million, are needed in sub-Saharan Africa alone. Sadly, there are too few entrants in teaching profession and far too many pre-service teachers are not adequately prepared for the reality of classroom instruction.
The SEED Teachers-In-Training Fellowship is a transformational and breakthrough model in revolutionizing the teaching profession. We are creating a movement of teachers-in-training leaders with appropriate skills and motivation to eliminate education poverty and inequity. Our goal: End Nigeria's teacher shortage by strengthening classroom-to-classroom pipeline with more and better quality teachers. This goal is grounded on these guiding frameworks:
SDG 4C: Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries
Continental Education Strategy for Africa (2016 – 2025)
Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want
The Fellowship offers pre-service teachers multiple opportunities that reward curiosity and initiative-taking at the earliest stage of their professional development. We believe doing so creates excitement for teaching, establishes a foundation of lifelong learning and produce dynamic, engaged teachers. The Fellowship is comprised of three multi-level components: a three-part foundation of skill-building, five professionalization pillars, and a capstone.
Tertiary Institutions
SEED Fellows
Teaching Practice Schools
Community Impact Projects
Our partners & supporters
As we work to reduce education poverty and inequity, the SEED Teachers-in-Training Fellowship is driving transformation for fellows and students, improving their lives, schools and communities.
On January 11 [2023], we launched this program in Lagos State University of Education (LASUED) where our students registered. From the Permanent Secretary and all the Management Staff of the Office of the Special Adviser on Education, we are so happy with the results. We will like to thank SEED for the collaboration.
Director of Education, Lagos State Ministry of Tertiary Education [formerly Office of the Special Adviser on Education]
This [SEED Teachers-in-Training Fellowship] program has helped the students going for Teaching Practice to be exposed to the reality of teaching.......... I am optimistic they will perform better than their counterparts that have not passed through this Fellowship experience. With this Fellowship experience they will be able to stand out.
Deputy Director, Teaching Practice - Lagos State University of Education (LASUED)
I want to commend this initiative of the Lagos State Government and their partner [SEED] in putting this together for our teachers..... I have no doubt in my mind that this program is going to bring about a transformation with the way our teachers are discharging their responsibility in teaching our children in various schools.
Sub-Dean, Student Affairs - Lagos State University of Education (LASUED)
I applaud SEED's commitment to grooming the next generation of outstanding educators, equipping them with skills to excel during and beyond their undergraduate studies. I am excited to be a mentor on this program, and eagerly anticipate the impact SEED & its beneficiaries will have on shaping the future of education in Nigeria.
Founder, Literacy for African Child Education & Development (LACED Africa)
The Fellowship has really helped to change how I view the teaching profession. It is a transformative and innovative initiative that has helped me to make a meaningful impact in the lives of my students. SEED has made it possible for me to be a part of a community committed to redefining the teaching profession in Nigeria.
SEED Fellow, Cohort 0, 2023
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