December 2, 2016
The SEED project receives Technical Assistance Grant from Developing Effective Private Education Nigeria (DEEPEN), a UKaid funded project implemented by Cambridge Education, a member of the Mott MacDonald Group. This grant was targeted at its Pilot Business Development Service (BDS) Project for Affordable Private Schools in Lagos State.
The Tier 1 grant covered trainings, technical support and capital costs for developing the curriculum for the BDS offering.
Developing Effective Private Education Nigeria (DEEPEN) is a five-year programme funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). The programme seeks to improve the quality of education in private schools, especially those serving children from low-income households. It is a programme driven by the demand of parents and children for a better education.
DEEPEN aims to improve the learning outcomes of children attending private schools, in particular those from low-income families. DEEPEN will achieve this by facilitating a more enabling environment for private schools and a more effective market for them to offer an increased quality of education.